Tongaat Mall construction was never approved | Infrastructure news

Ravi Jagadasan, the director of Rectangle Properties CC and Gralio Precast has admitted to the Thongathi Commission of Enquiry that the companies did not have approval to build the Tongaat Mall.

Jagadasan said that, acting on the advice of his legal representative, he had instructed Gralio Precast to stop the project after receiving a court order last November from eThekwini Municipality. The eThekwini Municipality served the owners of the R220 million project with court papers to halt the project on 13 November 2013.

However, he told the commission that he was told by his team of architects that the project could still proceed on preapproved plans. Despite having earlier told the commission, he had asked for the project to be halted, he said he was aware of changes in the design to enable trucks to manoeuvre.


Foreman’s testimony

Ronnie Pillay, a foreman during the construction of the Thongaat Mall, told the commission that he was not aware that it was part of his duties to ensure that he had to regularly obtain concrete tests results and verify the strength and quality.

He said he was performing his duties taking a lead from the drawings prepared by engineers led by Andre Ballack. Pillay further told the commission that he was not aware of any revisions done on the drawings, as it was not his responsibilities.

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