Phase 2 of CT’s Kuyasa sewer project completed | Infrastructure news

Kuyasa sewer upgrade

Kuyasa sewer upgrade. Photo: City of Cape Town

The city of Cape Town recently completed the second phase of its project to relocate sewer lines in Kuyasa to improve access and maintenance.

The project started in April and involved removing sewer lines, which ran beneath private residences, and relocating them to beneath the road reserve. The city also installed new sewer connections for affected properties.

Khayelitsha includes a large community of backyard tenants and is often plagued by sewer blockages therefore the city could no longer afford to have sewer lines running beneath private properties as they presented a problem for access, the city said.

The city added that the R800 000 upgrades will see improved response and repair times in many instances.

“The City would like to thank residents for their cooperation while work was under way. This project will help prevent sewer overflows, but unless residents look after the new pipeline, there is still a risk.

“As such I would like to remind the community that it is illegal to throw wet wipes, rags and cloths, litter, food and any substance other than human waste or toilet paper into the toilet,” said the City’s Mayoral Committee Member for Area East, Councillor Anda Ntsodo.

The city said it is working hard to become responsive to the needs of its residents in line with the new Organisational Development and Transformation Plan and this project is a testament to its ability to enhance service delivery in a sustainable and resilient way.



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