Magalies Water Board is a regional #water utility established in terms of Section 28 of the Water Services Act No 108 of 1997. It provides bulk #water and #sanitation services to municipalities, mining operations, and industrial customers across the three provinces of Gauteng, Limpopo, and North West.
Magalies Water is accountable to the government of South Africa through the Minister of the Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS).
Magalies Water’s mission is to provide quality bulk water and sanitation and section 30 services to Water Services Authorities, Water Services Instituions and other users in order to positively impact the quality of life and economic growth for communities in our areas of operation.
It is universally agreed that development is needed to lift Africa’s people out of poverty, to unlock opportunities and to grow economies, to create jobs and attract investment. But the fundamental framework that underpins development is sometimes...
Gas plays a significant role in South Africa’s energy transition, according to Prashaen Reddy, a partner at Kearney, amidst the call for public input on a draft Gas Master Plan released at the end of April. Reddy highlights recent gas...
“Water pollution in South Africa has worsened, and it has worsened largely due to the collapse of municipal governance. By not properly planning for, operating, maintaining or building water and sanitation infrastructure, raw sewage is running down...