More houses for Ventersdorp | Infrastructure news

The North West Local Government and Human Settlements is set to deliver 800 more houses to residents in four villages around Ventersdorp.

This commitment was announced by MEC for Local Government and Human Settlements, Collen Maine, during a community meeting held recently at Boikhutsong Community Hall.

The meeting follows the recent protest action, where the communities complained about lack of housing in their area.

This is despite the unblocking of 415 housing units project, which kick-started two weeks ago to complete the entire 1000 housing units project, worth R84 million.

The villages to benefit include Tsetse, Welgevonden, Goedgevonden, Boikhutso and Boikhutsong.

Maine said they have realised that 1000 housing units, which they were about to deliver, remain insufficient to the community.

They have resolved to top up the units with another 800 units which will be allocated across the villages.

Villages, townships, and small dorpies

“As the Bokone Bophirima [North West] Provincial Government we are now focusing more on decreasing the housing backlog in villages and farming communities, where our people are feeling the brand of poverty and unemployment.

“In fact we are starting with the prioritisation of Rural Villages as opposed to urbanisation, thanks to the Premier who introduced the concept of Villages, Township, and Small Dorpies (VTSD), which will be the approach in the next five years,” said Maine.

The residents welcomed the announcement, especially the idea of job opportunities that comes with the projects.

Subsidy Administration staff will be deployed to the villages starting on Tuesday to do subsidy administration.

The contractor will be introduced to the community on 03 May 2015, to kick start the 800 housing units’ projects.


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