Addressing manufacturing challenges and opportunities | Infrastructure news

Over 40 professional bodies, institutes and associations have provided input and support to the inaugural two-day Indutec conference to be presented alongside this year’s SA Industry and Technology Fair (Indutec).

Aimed at addressing challenges and opportunities in the manufacturing industry, the conference is formatted to provide practical solutions, stimulate dialogue, exchange expertise and develop strategies.

“This inaugural Indutec conference features many industry experts as its key speakers, and the two-day format provides a unique structure for interest groups to focus on specific topics, and debate policies that affect the broader South African industrial landscape,” explains Keith Burton, Managing Director of African Agenda, organisers of the conference.

Topics for discussion

Topics include industrial and manufacturing competitiveness, political risk and governance, international competition, regionalism and localism, financing, infrastructural limitations, transformation, regulatory issues and sustainability.

A major topic to be discussed is: ‘Funding for green technology initiatives: the Manufacturing Competitiveness Enhancement Programme (MCEP)’.

MCEP is one of the Industrial Policy Action Plan programmes implemented by the DTI in 2012, which provides increased support for manufacturers to upgrade production facilities that will sustain employment and maximise profits short- and medium-term.


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