DAY ZERO | Infrastructure news

Search results for: DAY ZERO

Ditching Day Zero

Recent rains within the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality (NMBM) as well as water loss programmes and water restrictions have pushed back day zero, with the average level of supply dams at 19%. However, NMBM’s water supply is still constrained. Lyle...

Day Zero looming for Buffalo City

Despite the implementation of water restrictions in Buffalo City, the metro says it’s call for residents to use water sparingly has had nowhere near the impact that is needed. Stage 3 water restrictions came into effect on New Year’s Day in...

Gauteng could face day zero

Gauteng could be the next potential Day Zero region in South Africa, if it’s hit by another drought. A report on what to do to avoid this was already brought to the attention of Gauteng authorities a year ago. Source:...

Day Zero – lessons learnt

Cape Town managed to avoid becoming the world’s first big city to run out of water. But a group of academics is now looking beyond Day Zero to see what lessons can be learned from the Cape Town Water Crisis. A year after the height of the...