All too often, the quality of aggregate is overlooked in favour of price – a choice that can cost the engineer, contractor and end-user dearly in the long run. Quality and consistency of aggregate will make or break a project’s success – be it in...
Department of Trade Industry and Competition establishes The South African Metering Industry Association to strengthen the metering industry and stimulate employment. Since the designation of both residential electricity and water meters, direct...
Trevor Noah has donated R8 million to the youth-driven Faranani Infrastructure Project on behalf of The Trevor Noah Foundation This is in partnership with YouthBuild South Africa (YBSA), in response to the shortage of quality education and poor...
The University of Fort Hare (UFH) announced that it will undertake two water infrastructure projects of R130 million that will benefit students as well as residents and the economy of Alice, Eastern Cape. The University will act as the project...