The Deputy Minister of Water and Sanitation, (DWS) David Mahlobo celebrated water week on Friday, 24 March 2023 in Manamokgotheng, Moses Kotane Local Municipality assessing the newly constructed reservoir that will provide sufficient water to 4000...
The Department of Water and Sanitation welcomes the arrest of a Director who was found to be double dipping by way of earning a salary from both the Department and the Moses Kotane Local Municipality in the North West Province. This matter came to...
South Africa continues to record a gradual increase in the annual recycling of PVC products. Despite the challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic on the industry, the recycling rate of vinyl products increased by 9.5 % in 2020. The following year...
The National Cleaner Production Centre South Africa (NCPC-SA) invites companies interested in improving their resource efficiency and saving money to register their in-house representatives and/or consultants for upcoming NCPC-SA training...