waste | Infrastructure news - Part 235

Search results for: waste

MagMeal could save our oceans

The world’s growing population results in an ever-increasing demand for food. However, there is not enough feed to feed the animals which humans consume. In this regard, a new process has the potential to save money and fish populations. In 2012,...

SA gets its first refuse-derived fuel plant

Refuse-derived fuel (RDF) is not a new concept. Its history can be traced back to the last quarter of the nineteenth century. But it has been a long journey for experts as early adaptations were fraught with frustration and failure. Today,...

Schools go big with recycling

Three schools received cash prizes for their recycling efforts as part of The Waste Trade Company’s Schools Recycling Project. Kabega Primary, BJ Mnyanda Primary and Albertyn Primary were the top recycling schools in the first term of 2016...