Infrastructure News - Part 44

Olifants charges ahead

How do you eat an Olifants River Water Resources Development Project? The Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) says, “One phase at a time.” Steven Arumugam, chief director: Infrastructure Development, DWS, provides an update on Phase 2’s 2C...

NuWater: Tapping tomorrow

As a new member of the NuWater team, James Morisse, executive: Business Development for Africa, offers unique insights into how the company foresees its role in maintaining water supply security across different markets and sectors. In my 17 years...

LHWP: Phase II advanced infrastructure on its way

IMIESA talks to Tente Tente, divisional manager: Phase II, Lesotho Highlands Development Authority, about the roll-out of one of the region’s most significant water projects, vital for South Africa’s Gauteng province. Please comment on the...

Across borders

Brent Mahoney* of Averda SA recently returned from an incredible, year-long adventure – spanning three continents – where he gained a global perspective on localised landfilling.   While Averda was establishing itself as a leading waste...

Fuelling the waste revolution

It may sound unbelievable, but it’s true: it’s more economical and, ultimately, more environmentally friendly to dispose of waste generated in the UK in South Africa. Warren Steele, managing director of UK-based environmental consultancy Resource...

Tank contractor proves its metal

A recent infrastructure intervention by SBS Tanks® in picturesque Riviersonderend has drastically improved the quality of life for the Overberg town’s inhabitants. Riviersonderend has long struggled with increased water demand due to growth...


Promoting efficiencies for ‘Green Tourism’

The hospitality industry now has the opportunity to benefit from the third window application period of Green Tourism Incentive Programme (GTIP). The opening of the window application period from 1 September to 30 November 2018 is for the addition...

High prospects for gas-to-power in southern Africa

Southern Africa has seen a major move toward renewable energy, however there is a huge untapped natural gas energy potential in the region. The southern African region is becoming a key player in the international trend towards the development of...

Criticism over inclusion of new coal in IRP

The Life After Coal Campaign and Greenpeace Africa have slammed the inclusion of new coal in the updated draft Integrated Resource Plan for Electricity (IRP). The organisation argue that aside from the negative consequences for the environment, the...

Global cities declare move towards zero waste

Twenty-three cities have pledged to cut waste sent to landfill and incineration by 50%. This will avoid disposal of at least 87 million tons of waste by 2030 on a path towards zero waste. By signing C40’s Advancing Towards Zero Waste Declaration,...

Minimising waste in the hospitality sector

The tourism and hospitality industry is one of the fastest growing economic sectors globally, which is proving to have a serious, negative impact on the environment. It is becoming increasingly essential that hotels and businesses have...

Industry News

Metro News

Executive Mayor Herman Mashaba at the African Construction and Totally Concrete Expo 2018

Herman Mashaba resigns as mayor of Joburg

Herman Mashaba, soon to be former Johannesburg Mayor , has resigned as a member of the Democratic Alliance (DA) and will no longer serve as the mayor of Joburg.  Mashaba announced his resignation on Monday at a press conference where he spoke...


SRK one of consulting engineering’s big five

SRK Consulting SA was rated as one of South Africa’s top five companies in the consulting engineering (mining and infrastructure) segment in the recent Top 500 Companies Awards. The awards survey over 3 000 businesses and honour those who excel in...
Gavel image

VAs to sue Public Works and ECSA

Fourteen Voluntary Associations (VAs) are taking legal action against the Department of Public Works (DPW) and the Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA), alleging that the appointment of the new ECSA council is unlawful. The court action...

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Water & Sanitation Africa

The official magazine of the Water Institute of Southern Africa (WISA), the magazine publishes content dealing with the supply, governance, financing, treatment and measurement of water and sanitation in southern Africa.