The South African Police Service (SAPS) arrested 20 striking Jozi@Work contract workers responsible for disrupting Pikitup services through vandalism and intimidation. Pikitup and its workers, contracted through the Expanded Public Works Programme...
The eThekwini Municipality’s kerbside recycling programme is back on track with services resuming in the city this week. The municipality was forced to suspend its domestic recycling programme earlier this year after MPact, the City’s recycling...
With the recent liquidation of Recycling and Economic Development in South Africa (REDISA), tyre recycling has become one of the hottest topics at both a local and international level, according to tyre industry veteran John Stone. Stone says this...
Thirty-two percent of plastic packaging produced annually worldwide is left to flow into the world’s oceans, according to the World Economic Forum. Mandy Naudé, CEO of Polyco, believes the solution to this problem starts with recycling. “Taking...