When a level or pressure sensor is taken out of service and replaced, it takes countless important sensor settings and data with it into retirement. However, the settings and measured values are not lost, because a new VEGA software tool saves...
The Master Builders Association (MBA) North says that five of its long-standing and substantial members went out of business during the course of 2022. Mohau Mphomela, Executive Director at MBA North, says that these bankruptcies indicate the...
Established with a purpose to inspire a built environment in which people and the planet thrive, the Green Building Council of Southern Africa (GBCSA) certifies green buildings. Water conservation plays an important role in its rating tools. “To...
Acknowledging progress and celebrating water saving efforts will help in creating a culture of good water stewardship and encourage responsible water use. By #SurplusWater2025 Until recently, very few people and businesses have realised how deep...