Infrastructure News - Part 11

Desalination + green hydrogen = best friends

As a highly water stressed country, South Africa cannot use its bulk water supply to manufacture green hydrogen. The good news is that the cost of desalination of saline or non-potable water makes up a near-negligible fraction (1%) of the hydrogen...

Going back to the basics

Non-payment of municipal bills is a serious issue that has a detrimental effect on everyone. While the reasons for non-payment of municipal bills in South Africa are complex and varied, many individuals and businesses simply do not pay municipal...

Unique AKS system keeps concrete protected for longer

For reasons of economy, longevity and mouldability, concrete is the structural material of choice for pipes, bunds and reservoirs in wastewater treatment plants. This versatile and age-old material presents one serious and costly drawback, though:...

School visits in KZN

Representatives from YWP, Borda and Umgeni Water held the ‘Walk With Me’ school shoes drive and visited schools in the Wushwini, Kwangcolosi, area that were heavily affected by the KwaZulu-Natal floods in April last year. These floods left many...


Industry News

Update on Western Cape water situation

Update on Western Cape water situation

The Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) is pleased with rains received in and around Cape Town at the beginning of the week and hopes that the downpours will recharge dams in the nearby catchments. The DWS Western Cape weekly dam hydrological...

Metro News


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Water & Sanitation Africa

The official magazine of the Water Institute of Southern Africa (WISA), the magazine publishes content dealing with the supply, governance, financing, treatment and measurement of water and sanitation in southern Africa.