Infrastructure News - Part 56
Portable chlorine containers image


What defines the quality of water? Quality of water is defined by the chemical, physical and biological contaminants present that will influence the suitability of water for a specific end use. More specific to this broader quality statement, it...
Casimiro da Silva image

Industry ensures sustainability

Nalco Africa’s vision is to be the global leader in water, hygiene and energy technologies and services. NALCO AIMS TO PROVIDE and protect what is vital to ensure clean water, safe food, abundant energy and healthy environments. Debbie Besseling...
Ferric sulphate plant image

Zetachem’s commitment to the water industry

In a recent interview with Trevor Johnston, divisional managing director, and Susan Roodt, sales manager, the latest developments within Zetachem and the challenges currently facing the water industry in South Africa were discussed. Maryke Foulds...
Waste water treatment works plant image

A positive impact

Wastewater and biosolids treatment processes are increasingly being modified for the generation of biogas, offering a source of energy to generate power and heat. Maryke Foulds speaks to Dr André van Niekerk and Theunis Duminy at Golder Associates....
Dam image

Water-perfect partnerships

Water from coal may sound impossible but happens every day. By Susan Cole, regional commercial manager sub-Saharan Africa, Dow Water & Process Solutions Each day in north-eastern South Africa, an award-winning water reclamation plant turns...
Mercedes-Benz truck image

Technical innovations for the waste industry

In recent years, waste disposal has shifted its emphasis away from traditional disposal operations to evolve into an innovative and dynamic sector that serves as a reliable supplier of high-quality secondary raw materials to industry. Accordingly,...


African decision-makers meet to harness ocean economy

Roughly one third of West Africa’s population lives on the coast, where the oceans are drivers for growth and prosperity. Oceans provide jobs, food security and remain an important source of leisure and spiritual value. Yet, oceans – a tremendous...

Industries’ role in reducing emissions

Industries and the products they make can play a considerable role in the global effort to tackle climate change. Making industries part of the solution while helping them stay competitive is a key challenge for policy makers, according to a new...

DWS engages with public on sustainable hydropower

The Department of Water and Sanitation has hosted public engagements for comments on policy considerations on Hydropower generation and climate change with different spheres of government, the private sector and community water forums in Bophelo...

Let the environment guide our development

Human growth has strained the Earth’s resources, but as Johan Rockstrom reminds us, our advances also give us the science to recognise this and change behaviour. His research has found nine “planetary boundaries” that can guide us...


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Industry News

Metro News


Contractor takes on Green Star challenge

Pretoria building contractors, J.C. van der Linde & Venter Projects, successfully coped with the challenging demands of complying with the Green Building Council of South Africa’s Green Star rating construction requirements for the...

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Water & Sanitation Africa

The official magazine of the Water Institute of Southern Africa (WISA), the magazine publishes content dealing with the supply, governance, financing, treatment and measurement of water and sanitation in southern Africa.